CS Forum

CS Forum


The objective behind this Forum is to bring all Team leads together on a common platform to share their experiences or ideas and discuss the issues faced while leading a team so that all leaders can learn from each other and grow togehter. Here are some points which should be discussed in this meeting

  1. If team leads are facing some challenges while leading their team.
  2. If team leads are facing some challenges while managing people and want to discuss how to manage people effectively or problems related to people.
  3. If team leads, have some new ideas or suggestions for management and want a place to discuss those things.
  4. If something in the current system is not working properly or time is being wasted in some useless activity or they would like certain practices to end or change, those can be discussed here.
  5. If team leads have collected some suggestions or ideas from their team members and would like to discuss with management.
  6. Is there something which can be REFACTORED (Check our culture code for this) by SCRAPING useless things.
    1. Stop generating useless reports
    2. Cancel useless meetings
    3. Remove unnecessary rules
    4. Automate some manual process
    5. Prune some extraneous process
  7. Any other item on the agenda that is worth the time of every other team lead present in the meeting?

Execution Steps:

  1. All leads will connect once a month for CS-Forum Meeting.
  2. The Engineering Manager (or someone having bigger authority, in absence of EM) will lead the session.
  3. EM will circulate the recurring meeting invite and is responsible for scheduling, hosting and leading this meeting.
  4. The session will be mandatory, with exceptions if the member is on leave.
  5. The Host will contact the department head if there are concerns or issues related to HR, delivery, or technology.
  6. The session will be an open discussion, and members can share their issues, ideas, concerns and experiences with the team as defined in the Objective section of this document.
  7. After the session, the Host will share the meeting/session minutes on the Quick Team on the Monthly CS Forum Update Center with the stakeholders: CEO, CTO, Delivery HEAD, HR HEAD, Engineering HEAD or other Heads of Departments, or other team leads.
  8. Based on the discussions in these forums, the Host will decide whether any issue or concern requires special attention. Then, he/she will take the matter to upper management, which will be discussed there.
  9. If any modification is required in any process or policy based on the feedback/concern received during the meeting, and if considered worthy, it will be applied from the next Quarter cycle.

The Directly Responsible Individual (DRI)- Engineering Manager

Other Notes:

  1. This meeting is for Team Leads only and we do not need to engage other people. Although team leads are supposed to collect information informally from their team members and voice their concerns in this meeting if that is worthy of discussion.
  2. TLs are supposed to stick to an agenda and are supposed to focus on objectives defined previously.
  3. #CS-Forum is part of bigger initiative within Crownstack i.e #COMET (Center of managing employee’s talent)

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