Thank you Pizza/Treat

Thank you Pizza/Treat


Our team members generally work hard to meet the deadlines and deliver the best quality work. To appreciate their hard work, we have a tradition of giving a treat to the team. This is a small gesture to show our appreciation for their hard work. We do not need to wait for a big milestone to celebrate. We can celebrate small wins as well. Additionally, we do not wait for long periodic performance review cycles to celebrate. We can celebrate whenever we perceive a positive performance from our team member.


  • Every week, if any one of the team leaders or department heads feels like someone from their team has done some excellent work and deserves to be appreciated, they can tell HR about it.
  • Annonuncement has to go through HR only and not directly to the team. Therefore, team leads have to inform HR about the person and reason to appreciate.
  • HR will then announce the appreciation in the company-wide channel and tag the team member.
  • HR will then allocate a treat/pizza budget for the team member and family. The treat can be in the form of pizza, ice cream, or any other food item.
  • The team member can then order a treat for her/his family and enjoy the treat. They need to put a reimbursement expense in keka. The treat budget will be reimbursed by HR.
  • We recommend team members share the #thank-you treat with their family because we want your family to know that we value your contribution at work.
  • The maximum budget for this treat is 1,500 rupees, which the monthly payroll will reimburse.
  • The number of treats is limited to one per week, maximum, company-wide.
  • This is applicable company-wide, in all teams and all departments. All team leads or department heads can nominate their team members for this treat.

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